गूगल के बारे में अदभुत बाते | Top Enigmatic Facts About Google | Secret Of Google

गूगल के बारे में अदभुत बाते | Top Enigmatic Facts About Google | Secret Of Google

In 2005, Google acquired the Android company.  Today, Android platform powered devices are being bought the most.

Google's search engine is 100 million gigabytes!  To save that much data you will need one terabyte one lakh drives!

Google earns more than 5 billion rupees per day, i.e., Google earns 50,000 rupees every second.

2095100000000 searches are done on Google every year i.e. more than 60,000 searches are done on Google every second.

Gmail's idea was given by Rajan Seth when he went to Google for an interview.

Google has 80 lakh 46 thousand km for its street view map.  Photograph is taken equal to the road!

Google started in 1996, that is, currently Google has turned 21 years.

The idea of ​​GMAIL was given by Rajan Seth when he went to Google for an interview.  It was used internally for two years for a thorough test before Google launched the Gmail service.  In 2004, Google started Gmail on April Fool.  The most storage, the ability to send mail fast, made it popular among the people.  Initially it was very important to have an invitation to make it a Gmail account.  Later on it became free for everyone after becoming popular.

Google was conducted by 2 students Larry Page and Sergey Brin of Stanford University, California for a research project.

Google is also the owner of some names, such as Googlr.com, Gooogle.com etc., which are created by mistake of spelling in writing Google.

In 2006, Google purchased the online video sharing site YouTube.  Up to 60 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.  At the same time, programe coming on millions of channels across the world are uploaded on it, this kind of thing has brought the world closer.  A total of 6 billion hours of video are watched every month on Google's video service YouTube (YouTube).

In 2005 Google bought the Android company.  Android's popularity can be gauged from the fact that today it occupies about 80 percent of the smartphone market, that is, four out of every five smartphones are running on Android operating system.  Every day more than 1.5 million people are buying a new Android device.

Google Doodle was started in 1998.  Under Google Doodle, Google shows a picture of a great person on its main page.

The founder of Google wanted to create Google with the name Googol but mistakenly named it Google.

Google earns almost 90 percent from advertisements.  Google's main advertising platform is AdSense.

On 22.1998, Google Doodle appeared on the homepage to viewers for the first time.  It was about people attending the Burning festival in Nevada.  A very large team of doodles works in Google, which has posted more than a thousand doodles so far.  Doodle is a special kind of logo, which is put on Google on any special day or on the memory of a big person.  When the festival of Diwali happens, the doodle with crackers is shown. The same is shown below.

200 goats work in the office of Google.  Google does not use the harvesting machine to mow the grass in its office lawn because the smoke and noise emanating from it causes problems for employees working in the office.  Is applied to.  This causes grass trimming and also feeds the belly of goats.

60000 searches are done per second on Google.  That is, when you are searching on Google and the results are displayed in front of you then 60000 other people will also display the content searched by Google.

Google has purchased at least one company per week on average since 25.2010.

To see the best results of search on Google, more than 200 things are taken care of and within a few seconds the best results are displayed according to these measurements.

The name "Google" was derived from a mistake in spelling.  The founder of Google wanted to keep the name "Googol" but "Googol" became "Google" due to a mistake in spelling.

More than 90% of Google's revenue comes from advertisements.

Google closed its social media website Orkut in September 2014.  This was its first social network.

 30.Gmail started on April Fool's day i.e. April 1.

In this post, you have got information about Google, information about Google, interesting information about Google, interesting information about Google, about Google.

गूगल के बारे में कुछ अनजाने facts
अदभुत बाते | Top Enigmatic Facts About Google | Secret Of Google

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